While attending Big Church, the sweet lady that plugged me in, introduced me to a the new group leader. The group was only women and most of them single mothers. So I guess maybe God had been preparing me for this group. We shared part of the story of the previous church, not all the details and attended weekly but this time as listeners. I didn't want to say a word after the incident, but the holy spirit sometimes doesn't allow you to contain it, so I use to say a word of encouragement here and there, meanwhile the leader was noticing the groups reaction so he wanted me to lead the bible study one night.
I prepared days before the meeting, I was so nervous. I didn't want to go through the same disappointment/conflict like the previous group, but I was totally wrong, it turned out awesome, everybody participated and they were very happy. The leader explained that it had been very difficult for him to handle all these women and their emotions, he was glad to know that I had been managing a group of women before and he was benefiting from it.
Months of meetings and studies passed by, we continued growing relationships at church and in the group, so he encouraged us to start our own house church. The church provided us with everything, training material, literature and Godly advice. The church welcomed our new group no questions asked. And again God called us to ministry but this time was different.
Sometimes all you need to do its to trust God, He goes before you and knows exactly where he needs you and how you are going to bring glory to his kingdom. Just be obedient and follow him no questions asked.