Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dealing with a loss

God always has a purpose.  Maybe sometimes it's not what we had planned

Friday evening God work through me. He allow me to meet with a dear friend of mine that I haven't seen in years,  we did a girls night out,  went to the movies with friends, had an amazing dinner and talked about how God has changed my life. We laugh and remembered beautiful times.  I got home with a huge smile on my face,  told my husband all about it and greeted my dog that was sick with pneumonia for the past week.  But God had a different plan for me. Our dog was so bad that I even lay my hand over him and prayed that God will heal him. He was gasping for air as he looked at my for help. We rushed with him to the hospital which we had visited several times during that week,  the doctor rushed him to an oxygen chamber and talked to us.
At that time my plans where saving him, doing whatever it took to heal him, even without any money.  Unfortunately no money on earth could have saved him, his condition was worse and we had to make the hardest decision of our life. We said our good byes, petted him one more time and prayed to God that he will be with him the whole way. Wow! It was shocking!..  I mean I had the best time ever a few hours ago, I was doing what God wanted me to do, spreading his word and then this...ufff was tough.. My husband and I cried for 6 hours straight, we understood that he couldn't live like that anymore, that his sickness was not going to improve and it was time to let him go. But we where not ready. I didn't blame God even if i could, He was preparing the way for the past two weeks.  And I knew in my heart that all I needed was faith.

Losing someone or a family pet is devastating, No words can heal your broken heart. Sometimes selfishness comes in the way and blame takes over. Did I do enough? I didn't hug him enough? What else could we have done? 
But is not worth it, Condemnation  is like a road with no end and I will lead you to depression. Only seek refuge in the Lord, He knows our pains and sorrows.  He was on the cross suffering while his mother watched him die, that is even worse. God is good! he knows that I will miss him, He understands that our heart is broken but life keeps on going. And this will only make me stronger and along the way I will help somebody that loses a pet or a love one.  Day by day he heals my pain,  He rubs my heart and reassures me that our furry baby is with him with no more pain, healthy and he is watching over him

God has a very different plan from what we have in our mind. But he knows that if we obey,  let go, and let him heal us we will be ready for our purpose. At the end, I will see him again in heaven.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


What is racism? 
God created this world with different shapes and colors, he didn't create a black or white world. He created a rainbow full of colors, and created us in His image. We are all different,  beautiful and with a purpose. God didn't make any mistakes, he put us here with a purpose and for me racism is just plain ignorance. We shouldn't judge anybody by the color of their skin, their hair, face, the way they walk, talk, language, or even what they wear. We all come from the same father, God. We are absolutely no different and definitely special.  
I pray for those who are so blind with their ignorance that God himself may open their eyes and soul and reveal himself in a real way so that they can understand that we all are his creation and we need to treat each other with respect.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Your Thoughts

Love this quote!
It's so true. Why  do we always have to think the worst and the bad about everything?. If you want to start doing something different, you need to start from your head to your soul. A negative thought produces nothing but a negative life. For me,  it's a waste of time and energy. God gave us a beautiful life to be happy. Problems and situations will always arise, the difference is the way that you handle them. Practice being positive in each situation that arises. Your life will change and also your behavior, everything will be different and you will have more peace.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Depressed? Sad? Anxious??

Are you depressed? 
 or hopeless?
Have you decided to quit and just survive in this life?

If you answer is yes to any of these,
We have the solution!.... JESUS

Possible side effects: uncontrollable joy, love, abundance, happiness, blessed, you will love your neighbor, provisions, hope and the biggest side effect ...PEACE

Monday, February 10, 2014


I know that you probably have people in your life that are hard to forgive. I can tell you from my experience, when my mother slept with my first husband, and I was still married to him,  then again on my second marriage she decided to have a relationship with my husbands half brother and then lied to all my family saying that I didn't talk to her because she had a new guy younger than her. Forgiveness was not even on my radar. Believe me, it was tough, it took me 5 years to finally forgive her and move on with my life.
I recently found myself once again in a situation where it was hard for me to forgive someone. It's so hard for me to see other people suffering, specially kids due to the irresponsibility of adults. But once again I had to forgive and move on. You need to lose that baggage that consumes you everyday.This time it only took me a few days =) I guess practice makes perfect huh!?
God will carry you the whole way if you trust in him, and on top of it, he will heal your wounds. God is so great and perfect that he will deliver you from the pain, discomfort, anger, frustration and any other ill feeling you may have towards something or someone. 
I've learned that:
  • Forgiveness is not a feeling is an act of obedience to God. He forgives your trespasses, Don't you think we can do the same for others?.
  • Forgiveness- isn't ignoring what the other person did, its giving the offense to the Lord. He will take care of it.
  • Forgiveness is a frequent act of practice and not a one time event. God often allows people like that in our life so we can depend on him for strength.
Again, forgive and leave it in Gods hands. He is righteous, just and knows exactly what you're going through.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Being a Christian is all about obedience and not religion. 

Religion: we can all say that they all have rules, that they're all fake, a bunch of hypocrites, etc. but the thing is, that it is NOT religion that we should be following, if following anything at all, we should be concentrating in being more Christ like, reading the word, and becoming a disciple of God.We can spend all of our lives doing the same things, because that is what we know, but change! Oh no!, that creates an issue because now we're being asked to give up that control that we so much desire, creating insecurities and that is where trust (in Christ) becomes a problem and then we go back to the same 'ol instead of trusting God to do his will.We need to believe, obey and trust whatever God has planned for us. If not we are going to the same place making an illusion of our past and not moving forward to a new future. It’s like standing in the middle of the road not moving.We have desires, goals, hopes and dreams, but can we reach them on our own, in control of everything and repeating the past? How are you going to get the girlfriend or boyfriend of your dreams? 
Or even have a degree? Or be successful at work? Or have more money?  If you, first, still living in the past because you keep repeating the same mistakes, and second, do not realize that all you have, including your life, was given to you by God himself. You are nothing without God, but everything with him!

 Obedience is hard, it’s self-taught and is against all of what we want and desire. It’s doing something new, something that you have never thought of doing. But praying to God to help you be obedient will bring challenges; He will put you through tests. We should always pause and think: Can I resolve this on my own? Am I trying to control the situation? If so, how can I give up control? By accepting Gods will, letting him do his work no questions asked.

Change is part of growing, maybe you will have to lose the attitudes, fears, anger, control, desires, etc. but you have to trust that God is with you no matter what you're going thru. He knows all about it, but when it comes to the Lord we need to trust him fully and blindfolded. Its like going to the edge of a cliff and the only way out is to jump, the beautiful thing is that you are not going to die, well, the old you will, but he will be there to catch you and he will teach you how to fly.

Don’t hold on to your past so tightly that you'll miss the present and won't have anything to build on for the future. Be that grain of salt or that glimpse of light to this dark world. 

I love to be different, to be a Christian, that God has given me another chance to change, grow and do it better. He forgave all my sins and gave me new life, the only request is to give up control, obey, trust and have faith in him. Its like a job offer when signing a contract, instead of a paycheck, health benefits, money, maybe vacations and exhaustion for long hours of work, I will get happiness, joy, love, acceptance, health, forgiveness and the best part PEACE!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Your life

Never take your life for granted. Have the sufficient humility (humbleness) to be grateful to God of whom you live and gives you a new day to make something new. If he doesn't exist then you wouldn't exist either, or your parents or your family or the world. He made everything, including the perfect moment that your parents met of which you came from. So be grateful for everything that you have starting with your life that you can see, walk, feel, speak, laugh and you got up this morning. Be thankful for your life, your job, house, money, health and that you're still here. Or perhaps you believe that you achieved that all on your own?

First bible group meeting

While attending Big Church, the sweet lady that plugged me in, introduced me to a the new group leader. The group was only women...